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    Središnji uredski prostor Nizozemskog veleposlanstva u zagrebu krakterizira fleksibilnosti, otvorenosti i neutralnosti u skladu sa njegovom diplomatskom funkcijom, ali i istančana mjera prepoznatljivog nizozemskog identiteta. Okosnicu interijera čini jedinstvena zidna ploha, određena prostornim zadatostima poput multifunkcionalne kralježnice proteže se njegovim središtem. Elegantno oblikovana od nenametljive drvene obloge, služi kao vodilja kroz interijer. Od nje se prostorom proteže podna površina u formi tepiha koji se ističe kao glavni akcent u prostoru. Modularni tepih pikselizacijom interpretira kolorit nizozemskog krajolika, prenijevši likovnim jezikom kolorit u nijansama plave, smeđe i zelene boje. Pikselizacija počinje od drvene kralježnice i nestaje prema staklenim stijenama nenamećući se atraktivnoj vizuri prema katedrali. Ostali arhitektonski elementi u prostoru i mobilijar u neutralnim su tonovima. Interijer se proteže na 310 m2 u zagrebačkom Ban centru, a konceptualno je podijeljen na prostor ureda otvorenog karaktera i sobe za koncentraciju, multifunkcionalne prostore (kuhinja/interni prostor za druženja i sastanke; prostor za prijem, prezentacije), reprezentativni prostor i pomoćne prostore koji su skriveni, a ovisno o svojoj funkciji manje ili više dostupni. Prostor je u velikoj mjeri opremljen nizozemskim dizajnom čija minimalistička estetika odgovara diplomatskom karakteru interijera. Posebna pozornost posvećena je rasvjeti zbog izlaganja reprezentativne suvremene nizozemske fotografije i likovne umjetnosti. Sama rasvjeta i kompletne instalacije, projektirani su prema najvišim standardima i zahtjevima Odjela za razvoj infrastrukture – 3W (World Wide Working) Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Nizozemske. Kustoska selekcija umjetničkog postava definirana je od strane Odjela za razvoj infrastrukture – 3W (World Wide Working).

Apartment building Medvedgradska

Service - Preliminary Design

Status - Competition, 3rd prize 

Appointment - 2019

Location - Medvegradska street, Zagreb, Croatia

Gross Area - 1692m2

Site Area - 564m2

Client - VMD Model

Author - Gorana Giljanović, Eugen Popović

Company - GEplus arhitekti

Project team - Gorana Giljanović, Eugen Popović, Marina Šaić


The building is designed for luxury housing, which is the reason for a series of decisions made while contemplating about the concept:
The garage is proposed with a car elevator instead of a ramp, which gives additional parking space, and parking in the ground floor is excluded precisely because of the exclusivity of housing where the 'green peace' was not to be disrupted. Also, parking spaces are of great importance in the city center, not only financially but also functionally, and given the dimensions of the apartments and the exclusivity of the housing offered by this project, additional parking spaces per apartment are welcomed and prioritized.
The apartments are designed according to the principle of fewer rooms/more comfort, thus offering specific solutions that are much sought but not present in the market.

Given the specificity of the existing opposite protected construction, the new building is formally conceived as kind of 'hommage', demonstrating respect and affiliation through simple expression in exterior and interior.
Thus, the eastern and southern facades are conceived of a glossy sheet metal reflecting the Gliptoteka building.
Hommage to Gliptoteka is also shown through the use of modern material - red concrete - which refers to its brick facade through colour, forming the volume of elevator and bicycle storage, marking the main entrance to the residential part of the building as well as the facades of the recessed floor, which visually divides the volume of the new building and makes it 'closer' from a pedestrian view.
The facade towards Medvedgradska street is recessed in the ground floor to achieve a better street character. The outdoor living spaces have been reached through a series of interesting loggias that change their locations and sizes through levels. In addition to the loggias, the windows of the apartments were also achieved through full-height storey, making the interior spaces feels as exterior.

With this new building a whole with the quality adjacent buildings is achieved through materials and shapes which refer to the existing character of the street.


© 2018 by GEplus ARHITEKTI
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