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    Središnji uredski prostor Nizozemskog veleposlanstva u zagrebu krakterizira fleksibilnosti, otvorenosti i neutralnosti u skladu sa njegovom diplomatskom funkcijom, ali i istančana mjera prepoznatljivog nizozemskog identiteta. Okosnicu interijera čini jedinstvena zidna ploha, određena prostornim zadatostima poput multifunkcionalne kralježnice proteže se njegovim središtem. Elegantno oblikovana od nenametljive drvene obloge, služi kao vodilja kroz interijer. Od nje se prostorom proteže podna površina u formi tepiha koji se ističe kao glavni akcent u prostoru. Modularni tepih pikselizacijom interpretira kolorit nizozemskog krajolika, prenijevši likovnim jezikom kolorit u nijansama plave, smeđe i zelene boje. Pikselizacija počinje od drvene kralježnice i nestaje prema staklenim stijenama nenamećući se atraktivnoj vizuri prema katedrali. Ostali arhitektonski elementi u prostoru i mobilijar u neutralnim su tonovima. Interijer se proteže na 310 m2 u zagrebačkom Ban centru, a konceptualno je podijeljen na prostor ureda otvorenog karaktera i sobe za koncentraciju, multifunkcionalne prostore (kuhinja/interni prostor za druženja i sastanke; prostor za prijem, prezentacije), reprezentativni prostor i pomoćne prostore koji su skriveni, a ovisno o svojoj funkciji manje ili više dostupni. Prostor je u velikoj mjeri opremljen nizozemskim dizajnom čija minimalistička estetika odgovara diplomatskom karakteru interijera. Posebna pozornost posvećena je rasvjeti zbog izlaganja reprezentativne suvremene nizozemske fotografije i likovne umjetnosti. Sama rasvjeta i kompletne instalacije, projektirani su prema najvišim standardima i zahtjevima Odjela za razvoj infrastrukture – 3W (World Wide Working) Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Nizozemske. Kustoska selekcija umjetničkog postava definirana je od strane Odjela za razvoj infrastrukture – 3W (World Wide Working).

General Aviation Terminal

Service - Preliminary, Main and Detailed Design, Interior Design

Status - Completed

Appointment - 2018

Completed - 2019

Location - Pleso, Velika Gorica

Gross Area - 289m2

Site Area - 550m2

Client - MZLZ

Author - Gorana Giljanović, Eugen Popović

Company - GEplus arhitekti

Project team - Gorana Giljanović, Eugen Popović, Marina Šaić, Marin Ševo

Structural Engineer - Statički studio

HVAC / WSS Engineer - Perpetuo projekt

Safety at work/Fire protection - Inspekting

Electrical Engineer - Elektroline

Lighting Engineer - Ortoforma

Contractor - Gradel

Photocredits - Miljenko Hegedić, Josip Škof, GEplus arhitekti


This project was carefully designed from the outside and inside of the building because of the different tasks.  

From architecture point of view main exterior need was to articulate existing small General aviation building. Although uninteresting and closed volume with no interaction with the public entrance area, the client decided to preserve its character.

New building volume is designed to connect on the existing building, through usage of the same facade material, but with gradual opening toward the main entrance, which is designed as a part of the new building. This gradual opening concept creates dynamic full/empty and first plan/second plan elements rhythm which, at the same time, makes unity to existing building and gives new identity to the whole assembly. Close to the existing building, new facade is mostly made out of full elements and next to the main entrance out of empty elements between which there are full elements used as construction for the entrance canopy .


Interior space design idea came from contemplation about the function of the space and how to connect that function to the interior and bring it closer to the user.

Given that it is a General Aviation Terminal, the idea of the sky as the absolute medium that is experienced through voyage has been imposed during the design process.

At the same time, given the requirements of a simple, somewhat austere and functional space, the ceiling rose as an element through which creativity can be expressed.

The hexagon shape was chosen as a consistent abstract representation of the cloud and the depth which the cloud creates.

The aesthetic interpretation of the colors and the depth of the sky is visible through the selection of gray and blue colors, full and mesh elements and through their installation at different levels.

Ultimately, the space was given a distinctive identity and brought the user closer to the memory of the flying experience.


© 2018 by GEplus ARHITEKTI
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